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Welcome to The Alexandra Grace Halley Foundation

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Our mission

The Alexandra Grace Halley (AGH) Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children with additional needs in and around London. We commit to provide vital grants to borough councils, primary schools, and secondary schools where statutory funding needs support.

Our ambition extends beyond just meeting basic needs. We envision a future where every child, regardless of their abilities, can experience the joy and freedom of play. That's why we are passionately working towards funding the construction of an inclusive and accessible play park.

Join us in making a difference. Together, we can break down barriers and provide endless opportunities for children through the power of play.

Let's build a brighter future, one play park at a time.

Our story

The AGH Foundation

The Alexandra Grace Halley Foundation was set up to continue the incredible legacy of Alex Halley.

In August 2022, aged 27, Alex was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer. After two months of tremendous strength and courage Alex sadly passed away in October.

Alex was a passionate Occupational Therapist who completed her training at Bournemouth University and dedicated her life to supporting children with physical and sensory needs at Richard Cloudesley School in London. Her infectious love for the children and her unwavering commitment to their well-being made her a beacon of hope in their lives​.

We are proud to be continuing Alex's wish to create safe, accessible playgrounds where children of all abilities can play, learn, and grow.

Thank you for being part of her journey.


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Fundraising events

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Support us

Make a difference today

We rely on the generosity of our supporters to make our mission a reality. Your support can make a difference in the lives of children and families in and around London. Whether you choose to donate your time, money, or resources, your contribution can help us build accessible play parks and foster inclusive play for every child.

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